Root canal treatment with a microscope

1000-1100 zł

The goal of the procedure is to preserve your natural tooth and prevent the need for its extraction. The procedure is performed using a dental microscope

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Description of procedure

Root canal treatment is a procedure that helps save teeth from developing serious complications. Inside each tooth, there are canals containing soft tissue with nerves and blood vessels, called pulp. When the pulp becomes inflamed (diagnosed as pulpitis) due to decay or injury, it can cause severe pain.

If pulpitis is left untreated, the infection can penetrate deeper into the tissues over time, leading to inflammation around the tooth root (periapical periodontitis). Gradually, bone tissue dissolution occurs, forming a focus: initially a few millimeters (granuloma), and then reaching several centimeters (cyst), which can affect adjacent healthy teeth. Unfortunately, in some advanced cases, endodontic treatment alone may not be sufficient, and surgical intervention may be the only solution to the problem.

We perform root canal treatments using a microscope — a cutting-edge technology that allows procedures to be performed with high precision and efficiency. With the use of a microscope, the dentist can see even the tiniest details in the patient’s oral cavity, ensuring a higher quality of treatment.

Indications for root canal treatment:

– Spontaneous, aching, pulsating pain; – Tooth pain when biting down or touching it; – Presence of an abscess or swelling in the area of the tooth; – Formation of a fistula on the gum; – Sensation of a raised tooth; – Change in tooth color to dark or gray, indicating pulp necrosis; – Detection of deep carious lesions (decay) that have reached the pulp.

Contraindications for root canal treatment:

– A relative contraindication is the presence of conditions that do not allow for complete root canal treatment. These may include dens invaginatus, broken instruments, complex root anatomy, and others. – Incorrect tooth position that prevents access and effective treatment; – Extensive lesions of hard tissues extending under the gum, where it is impossible to restore the tooth after treatment; – Presence of a root crack; – Large inflammatory foci in the bone tissue around the tooth root; – Need for tooth extraction due to irreversible root damage.

All inflammatory changes in the root are well visible on X-ray images. For thorough examination of the clinical picture and accurate diagnosis, the dentists at LAMA clinic in Warsaw need to perform a 3D examination of the jaws, as the conventional 2D image often does not show the full extent of the affected tissues. This can lead to incorrect treatment tactics.

To relieve pain and preserve the tooth in cases of pulpitis and periodontitis, we perform root canal treatment. The dentist will clean the canals of the affected tooth from infected tissue, treat them with special antiseptic solutions, fill them with a special material, and restore the anatomical shape of the tooth. This allows us to preserve the tooth and avoid extraction. All procedures are absolutely painless under effective anesthesia.

It’s important to remember that the decision to undergo root canal treatment is always made individually by the dentist based on the examination and analysis of the tooth’s condition and associated factors.

Visit LAMA clinic in Warsaw, and our dentists will treat your root canals based on an examination and analysis of the tooth’s condition and associated factors.

Root canal treatment using a microscope at LAMA clinic in Warsaw is:

Cutting-edge equipment
At LAMA clinic, we use the internationally recognized [Microscope Name] microscope for canal treatment. It enables…
Painless treatment
Thanks to the experience of LAMA clinic dentists, the process of root canal treatment will be easy and comfortable. We guarantee anesthesia and the absence of unpleasant sensations!
Fast appointment scheduling
Booking an appointment with us is easy: you don't even have to make a phone call! Use our online booking form to reserve a visit to the dentist at any convenient time.
Experienced doctors
The average experience of our treating doctors is 18 years. We have gathered professionals from different countries to provide you with the highest quality dental services in Warsaw!

Lama Dentistry is a treatment that brings results

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Наконец я нашла  своего стоматолога в Варшаве! Врачи клиники действительно заботятся о своих пациентах, администраторы проявляют понимание и внимание к каждой детали. Лечение прошло гладко и безболезненно. Теперь только к вам! Огромное спасибо за ваш профессионализм!


Ta klinika to prawdziwa perełka wśród placówek stomatologicznych! Zespół lekarzy tutaj pracujących jest niezwykle kompetentny i zaangażowany w dobro swoich pacjentów. Bardzo nowoczesne wyposażenie, przytulny wystrój wnętrza, dogodna lokalizacja obok stacji metra.


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